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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Half-Life : Blue Shift System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2005-06-19 17:30:18 Views : 24423 Cheat Codes Start the game by running the game from your RUN menu with: "C:GameFolderbshift.exe" -console Now you can bring down the console command box at any time during the game with the ~ key (tilde). Now before loading a map or game, you must open your console and type "sv_cheats 1" (excluding ""). Alternatively you may place the command in your "C:GameFolderconfig.cfg" file with notepad, so it will be automatically set next time you open the game. You may now use the following commands: god - God Mode noclip - No Clip Mode (Fly through walls) notarget - No Target Mode impulse 101 - Gives all weapons sv_gravity x - Adjusts Gravity where when (x=800 - default, x=0 - no gravity) sv_accelerate x - Adjusts air acceleration for longer jumps (x=10 - default) skill x - Adjusts skill in-game (1 = Easiest, 3 = Hardest) map x - Replace X with one of the following maps: ba_canal1 ba_canal1b ba_canal2 ba_canal3 ba_elevator ba_hazard1 ba_hazard2 ba_hazard3 ba_hazard4 ba_hazard5 ba_hazard6 ba_maint ba_outro ba_power1 ba_power2 ba_security1 ba_security2 ba_teleport1 ba_teleport2 ba_tram1 ba_tram2 ba_tram3 ba_xen1 ba_xen2 ba_xen3 ba_xen4 ba_xen5 ba_xen6 ba_yard1 ba_yard2 ba_yard3 ba_yard3a ba_yard3b ba_yard4 ba_yard4a ba_yard5 ba_yard5a Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Half-Life : Blue Shift cheat codes.
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